This icon indicates that the plant you are considering is reliably easy to grow if you meet its limited needs.
The plants that we identify as easy are particularly adaptable to a broad range of growing conditions. Perhaps you live in a region where temperatures swing from from frigid winters to scorching summers. We have no-fuss Salvias and companion plants to meet your climate.
Possibly, the moisture level in your area can only be described as "not!" Or maybe you live where summers are predictably dry and winters are wet, or vice versa. We have undemanding beauties for you.
Whether you are looking for plants that can handle exposure from full sun to partial shade or that adjust from weak to rich soils, our no-fuss Salvias and companion plants are ready to perform reliably.
For more information about easy-to-grow Salvias and companion plants, please email or call us at Flowers by the Sea. We are glad to answer your questions.
(White Lilac Sage) Dense whorls of white, instead of lavender, blossoms cover tall flower spikes of this long-blooming perennial that tolerates both heat and cold. They rise up from fragrant, mint-green foliage.
Salvia verticillata is native to Europe and Central Asia. It is an adaptable sage that does well both in full sun and shade. Butterflies and honeybees are attracted to the species -- both the lavender-flowered (Lilac Sage) and white varieties. Deer are immune to its charms.
This is a fragrant, easy-going species. In the wild, Salvia verticillata thrives in low-fertility soils, such as in meadows. Similar to other Salvias, it requires good drainage. We recommend average watering based on your local conditions.
Mass White Lilac Sage with the lavender blooms of Lilac Sage to create a nectar heaven for small wildlife that reciprocate the favor by improving pollination in your gardens.
Very limited.