Temperature tolerance, particularly in winter, is important to consider when selecting garden perennials and shrubs. U.S. Department of Agriculture Cold Hardiness Zones are based on average winter low temperatures for specific regions. Zone 9 Zone 9 Salvias are tender ones that don't tolerate temperatures below the mid 20s F. In zones with chillier winter temperatures, many can be grown as annuals or container plants. Zone 8 Zone 8 Salviasare generally hardy to 20 degrees F. They may be shrubby in warmer climates and act as herbaceous perennials in colder zones. Some need winter mulching. Zone 7 Zone 7 Salviasare generally hardy to 0 degrees F. They are mainly herbaceous perennials with soft foliage that dies back to the ground for winter. Others are shrubs or subshrubs -- semi-woody perennials. Zone 6 Zone 6 Salvias are generally hardy to -10 degrees F. They are mainly herbaceous perennials with soft foliage that dies back to the ground for winter. Others are subshrubs -- semi-woody perennials. Zone 5 Zone 5 Salvias are generally hardy to -20 degrees F. They are mainly herbaceous perennials with soft foliage that dies back to the ground for winter. A few are subshrubs -- semi-woody perennials. |
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