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(Black Dan-shen) Growing into a basal rosette of leaves measuring up to 3 feet across, Salvia przewalskii 'CC5795' is known for its handsome foliage and deep purple, almost black flowers.
(Dan-shen Gansu) Growing into a large basal rosette of leaves measuring up to 3 feet across, Salvia przewalskii var. mandarinorum is known for its handsome foliage.
Results for therapeutic from the blog
Salvia Small Talk |
1. Salvia Small Talk: Planting a Therapy Garden |
Salvias are good additions to sensory gardens, because of their fragrance, texture and visual appeal. Plants with sensory appeal stir memory. |
Common terms in this search: black increased scientific name species honors nikolay przhevalsky polish-russian geographer whose century explorations asia knowledge pigmented about continent's plants wildlife sage traditional medicinal herb from mountains central china petioles darkly dan-shen handsome growing into basal rosette leaves measuring feet across przewalskii 'cc known its foliage have deep purple almost flowers summer tall spikes rise above large wrinkled which yellow-green therapeutic