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Summer Flowers for Wildlife Picture Gallery - Bees, Birds & Butterflies

Our gardens are abundant in the tubular-shaped, nectar-rich flowers that attract hummingbirds. Insects attracted to the nectar of flowering sage plants add protein to hummingbird diets. This list is based on the sages (Salvia spp.) that hummingbirds swarm in our garden and sneak into our greenhouses to visit.

You'll find a wide range of Salvia species and varieties here, especially ones from the Western Hemisphere. Over the years, we have noticed that hummingbirds seem to prefer mint-family plants (Lamiaceae) from the West. This makes sense considering that these flying jewels aren't found in the Eastern Hemisphere; native animals prefer native flora.

Plants and pollinators in a region coevolve to meet each other's needs. For example, the tube-shaped flowers of North and Central American Lamiaceae particularly fit the beaks of hummingbirds living in those areas whereas some South American sages with longer blossoms require the longer beaks of South Amer

Properties for plants in the Summer Flowers for Wildlife Picture Gallery - Bees, Birds & Butterflies
Name Mature height Mature width Flower color Bract color Exposure
Salvia x 'Scarlet Spires' 2 to 3 feet 4 to 5 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel Red' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Lowrey's Peach' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Moderate Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Purplish Red Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia microphylla 'Flower Child' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia subrotunda 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Cotton Candy' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Ember's Wish' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Red Moderate Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Love and Wishes' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Deep Purplish Red Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Bella Rosa' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Purplish Red Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Plum Parfait' 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Deep Purplish Red Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Twilight's Rosy Glow' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Light Purplish Pink Grayish Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Navajo Purple' 2 to 3 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Strong Yellowish Green Full sun
Salvia lemmonii 'Wild Rose' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel White' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Wendy's Wish' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Purplish Red Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Majestic Pink' 4 to 5 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x 'Elk Chantily Lace' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
* We have not yet defined this plants colors