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Rootbound Salvias: Assessment & Treatment

First posted on Sep 11, 2014

Rootbound Salvias: Assessment & Treatment

Edited Jul 17, 2018 05:00 PM


Krysiulek 4 years ago
Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your helpful and reassuring video!

Having previously been castigated by a friend who likes to garden that I killed the salvias I got at the end of the season last year (by keeping them in their pots over the winter), I now feel much better after watching your video.

After I put them in the ground yesterday, having broken up the "somewhat rebound" root balls, I thought maybe I did the wrong thing, after he told me I killed them.

Today you showed me with your gardening fork that I could have been even more aggressive in my rejuvenating efforts!

Thanks again!

Greetings from up the coast on Puget Sound from
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